Let’s Gamify Our Classes! Improve Students’ Vocabulary with Game-Based Teaching Strategy’s

Mahmoud Ahmida Aboualya; Salem Hamed Abosnan, Alaref Abdulsalam Arashidi

Abstract: This study adopted a thematic-analysis approach to investigate how eleven experienced English teachers from three schools in Libya are thinking about game-based vocabulary teaching. Interviewing twelve teachers using WhatsApp due to face-to-face communication restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic shows that the game/fun-based teaching improve students vocabulary. Three core themes have emerged: The first theme was the effects of fun/game-based strategy, with two sub-themes: communication factors and students’ skills. The second generated theme was the advantages of the game for teaching vocabulary. The third theme which was captured from teachers experiences to help students memorizing new words was teachers’ creative way of teaching vocabulary with two subthemes, including (1) teachers’ way of presenting the game and (2) teachers’ way of practising vocabulary. This study shows that teachers apply a variety of techniques expected to optimize vocabulary learning in the classroom.

FULL TEXT PDF 1-7 ] DOI: 10.30566/ijo-bs/2021.07.55

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