The Influence of Technology on the Effectiveness of Management Education

Wang Weijian; Hendry

Abstract: This article aims to give a comprehensive and interdisciplinary analysis of the factors that contribute to the success of technology-supported management learning and to indicate prospective areas of focus for further study. Higher education is no longer defined by sitting and soaking up information in traditional lecture halls. Instead, the development of new technology has made it possible to engage in the active building of knowledge in more virtual environments. These changes, like the learning environment, impact the education of tomorrow’s business leaders. However, there is a lack of cohesion and consistency within study fields regarding how technology may aid in management education and what that can mean for instructors. The findings obtained in cognitive research, learning environments, higher learning, and management education are organised and incorporated into this article using a methodical technique explicitly developed for this purpose. Because of this, we can get a thorough overview of the numerous antecedents contributing to the efficacy of technology-supported managerial education from various disciplines. The results of our research indicate that additional research is needed in several different areas, including the following: I the most effective way to combine and flip formats for a wide range of management fields of study and content types; (ii) the collection, styling, and uniqueness of the technologies that were utilised; (iii) the teaching style of the instructor, which includes feedback and deliberate confusion; and (iv) the learners’ affective states, which include their motivations and emotions, as well as the role that prior knowledge plays.

[ FULL TEXT PDF 1-5] DOI: 10.30566/ijo-bs/2022.10.102

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