Uncertainties and Risk on SMEs Sustainability in Oman: A Logistics Perspective

Amira Saif Hamood Al Rashdi; Abebe Ejigu Alemu*, Dr. Noorul Shaiful Fitri Abdul Rahman


Purpose: This study aims to discover internal and external SC uncertainties SMEs experience. The study conducted interviews with the authorities in Muscat and Sohar.

Method: a cross-sectional mixed method was used for the study. The study administered probability sampling among 100 SMEs.

Findings: the findings on internal SC uncertainties include lack of access to finance, unable to attract/satisfy customers, lack of skill/training, poor planning, long lead-time, high operation costs. External SC uncertainties include government regulations, complicated funding processes, lack of data, competition, technological changes, unreliable suppliers, and fluctuations in fuel prices. SMEs need to be knowledge-based, exploit policy initiatives, employ technology. It is expected to benefit policymakers to design intervention measures for the resumption of SMEs as they create employment opportunities and wealth distribution among society.

FULL TEXT PDF 1-11 ] DOI: 10.30566/ijo-bs/2022.01.77

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