The Impact of Supervisory Behavior on Organizational Commitment in Libyan Government Institutions: The Mediating Role of Organizational Justice

Salah Ramdan Issa Alkhmaisi; Dr. Ahmad Rasmi Suleiman Albattat, Amad A. El Marghani


Purpose: This study was conducted to determine the impact of supervisory behaviour on organisational commitment in Libyan Government Institutions through the mediation role of organisational justice. The population of the study is managers and employees in the capital of Tripoli and the western part of Libya. The sample size was 302, selected randomly. This study used oriented supervisory behaviour, supportive supervisory behaviour, participatory supervisory behaviour, and supervision behaviour directed at achievement as independent variables. The mediating variable is organisational justice, and the dependent variable is organisational commitment.

Results: The result confirmed a significant impact of the independent variables on organisational commitment. For the mediation effect, organisational justice mediates the relationship between supervisory behaviour, participatory supervisory behaviour, supervisory behaviour, and organisational commitment. In contrast, no significant mediation was found between supervision behaviour directed at achievement and organisational commitment.

FULL TEXT PDF 1-6] DOI: 10.30566/ijo-bs/2023.02.107


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