A Brief Overview of Self-Management Education Including its Origins, Objectives, and Results

Zhong Wenhua; Lilis Handayani Napitupulu

Abstract: The phrase “self-management” has recently gained popularity as a means of referring to behavioural therapies and healthy practices. This is especially important to keep in mind while dealing with the treatment of chronic diseases. This article provides a concise overview of the development of self-management. It presents three self-management tasks, including medical therapy, role managerial staff, and emotional management, as well as six different self-management skills, including solving problems, strategic planning, resource usage, forming a client collaboration, decision making, and self-tailoring. In addition, the article provides evidence of the efficacy of self-management treatments and proposes a potential mechanism, personality, through which these initiatives work. The article concludes that further research is warranted to investigate the relationship between self-efficacy and health outcomes. In conclusion, this paper explores various issues and potential answers pertaining to the incorporation of self-management education into conventional healthcare systems.

FULL TEXT PDF 1-4] DOI: 10.30566/ijo-bs/2022.10.101

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