Acceptance of Online Distance Learning Post Covid-19 Pandemic among Students: A Worldwide Survey Approach

Dr. Isai Amutan Krishnan


This study aims to understand the acceptance of Online Distance Learning (ODL) among university students worldwide post-Covid-19. The research methodology utilizes a hybrid channel approach, combining online and offline channels to provide ubiquitous content and learning. Secondary data from enrolled students and survey reports from KPMG and Accenture is used to analyze various platforms offering courses on various topics. The findings show that both teachers and students agree that online education is flexible, convenient, and accessible. Students are directed towards self-learning and hands-on learning, which are more effective. Practical implications will provide awareness to both lecturers and students, while theoretical implications will benefit the body of knowledge. Recommendations include government action, telecommunication companies investing in 4G and 5G services, investing in appropriate software packages, Socrative and Kahoot applications to solve formative assessment problems, and encouraging case-based learning among teachers.

FULL TEXT PDF 1-6] DOI: 10.30566/ijo-bs/2023.08.112

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