An Error Correction Method for Control Degradation of The Received Picture in the Digital Television Broadcasting

Hu Chao; Christin Agustina Purba*, Salman Faris

Abstract: Systems of the digital broadcast are needed to control the corrosion of the digital contents received from the at the destination. That is a must due to errors caused by transmission mechanisms. The image is one of the most important digital content that needs to be corrected and received in good condition. One of the useful techniques and methods used is error correction algorithms. However, many other error correction methods, algorithms, and techniques need to be considered. Error management and control is an essential step that needs to be applied during the design of Digital Television Broadcasting Systems (DTBSs) and methods. However, error detection and correction is another issue that needs to be considered while Digital Television Broadcasting (DTB) sends digital content. Transmission equalization techniques and adjustment systems are key steps to transmit data using DTB. Besides, encryption modulation and error protection steps are also considerable. Knowledge of DTB fault characteristics and optimization methods for complete systems is central to carefully and deeply understanding the fault control method units.

FULL TEXT PDF 1-5 ] DOI: 10.30566/ijo-bs/2021.special.11

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