Development of Knowledge Management Systems for Libyan Institutes of Higher Learning

Hamza Inbaya; Dr. Sellappan Palaniappan

Abstract: Knowledge Management System is an important innovation. Yet the Libyan Higher Institute of Learning sector lacks such Knowledge Management System. Academic staff are not benefiting from collaboration among themselves and sharing of their professional perception. They are isolated in their lecture rooms or their faculties which discourages the development and sharing of knowledge practice among members of the academic. This study aims to explore developing a prototype application to determine their prospect for instructional staff networking, sharing, learning and managing knowledge in Libyan Institutes of Higher Learning. By making so practical contribution to higher education institutes in terms of offering a tool that enables the Higher Education institutes to plan KM systems acceptance both effectively and successfully and to improve performance, competitive advantage, and to enhance their work.

FULL TEXT PDF 1-6 ] DOI: 10.30566/ijo-bs/2020.16

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