Does Innovation Capabilities Lead to Competitive Advantage in the Sudanese Industrial Firms

Arafa Gibreel Abu Naseeb; Anwar Tebein Mohamed Arbab

Abstract: This study examines how innovation capabilities can achieve competitive advantage. This study attempts to establish the impacts of elements of innovation capabilities on competitive advantage in Sudanese industrial firms. This study thoroughly reviews pertinent literature expected two aspects of innovation capabilities: radical and incremental innovation. The research questions were investigated through questionnaires with top-level managers operating in Sudanese industrial firms in Khartoum State. The study used structural equation modelling (SEM) for analysis. The results show that incremental innovation is significantly positive with competitive advantage (cost, quality, flexibility, and delivery), while radical innovation is not significant to the competitive advantage (quality, delivery).

FULL TEXT PDF 1-10 ] DOI: 10.30566/ijo-bs/2021.12.71

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