Abdullah Qasem Abdullah Al-Hamzi; Liu Ke Xin
Purpose: This paper explores the impact of customer knowledge management dimensions (knowledge from the customer perspective, knowledge about the customer, and knowledge for the customer) on customer loyalty in the Shanghai hospitality industry.
Design/ Method/ Approach: This study follows the quantitative approach, which relies on collecting numerical data; within this approach, two types of data treated, and the primary and secondary data. This study relies on collecting primary data. It is a non-experimental design, cross-sectional and correlational research. The independent variables are not manipulated, cross-sectional, because data will be collected at a single moment and correlational. It aims to determine the relationship among the model construct that customer knowledge management and customer loyalty.
Findings: The findings of the study indicated that the regression test showed that all variables (knowledge from the customer perspective, knowledge about the customer, and knowledge for the customer) have significant values less than 0.05 (0.003, 0.001, and 0.000, respectively), which means that these three variables influence the customer loyalty in the regression model.
[ FULL TEXT PDF 1-10 ] DOI: 10.30566/ijo-bs/2020.35