Study of the use of Medical Laboratory Apparatus in Low Resource Sets

Qiu Xiyang; Liena*, Santy Deasy Siregar

Abstract: This study aimed to demonstrate the efficacy of an intervention strategy comprising ongoing training of medical laboratory equipment users, Biomedical Engineers, and Technicians (BMETs). From January through December of 2017, the Burkina Faso Blood Transfusion Service prospectively examined the status of 312 pieces of medical equipment in several regional blood banks. This group consisted of 170 pieces of equipment mentored by users and BMETs on how to use and maintain all equipment types. Medical equipment that was not participating in the intervention program was compared to 22 other types of medical equipment. Detailed interviews were conducted with twenty-one participants to gain insight into their experiences and the training’s impact on their lives.

FULL TEXT PDF 1-5] DOI: 10.30566/ijo-bs/2021.special.20

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