The Conceptual Framework of Workers’ Job Satisfaction and Commitment in Libyan Universities in the Light of the Islamic Values

Sami Ali Mohamed Akrom; Dr. Asmuliadi Lubis, Dr. Mohd Rizal Bin Muwazir

Abstract: This paper aims at constructing a conceptual framework that explains the influence of commitment on job satisfaction based on Islamic values. Previous related explanatory theories on job satisfaction were tackled. Those theories relate job satisfaction with the internal milieu of work depending on what an employee gets now and later. However, assumptions of these theories neglect several external factors inherent to the lives of officers. A part of these factors is the Islamic values which are considered to be an essential factor in interpreting contentment and relating it to the teachings of Islamic Shari’ah law which is the leading guide of contentment beside internal factors. The study proposed, based on an intensive discussion of the previous theories and the conception of Islamic values and the bases on which it lies to establish a conceptual framework in the light of the factor of Islamic values and how it affects job commitment.

FULL TEXT PDF 1-6 ] DOI: 10.30566/ijo-bs/2020.26

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