The COVID-19 pandemic crisis and the resilience of MSEs in Indonesia

Prof. Tulus Tambunan


This empirical study investigates two things: the impact of domestic economic activities falling sharply due to the COVID-19 pandemic on MSEs in the manufacturing industry throughout 2020 and the forms of CMMs adopted by crisis-affected MSEs. The study evaluates the importance of four components, namely capital, collaboration, cooperation, and DT. It provides two key findings: (1) the most popular form of CMMs adopted by crisis-affected MSEs was those that produce other goods whose demand remained high during the pandemic, and (2) the most popular form of CMMs adopted by crisis-affected MSEs was those that produce other goods whose demand remained high during the pandemic with a positive regression coefficient according to theory and significant, suggesting that it was an important determinant of MSEs’ resilience. The findings have practical implications, including that government stimulus policy during a crisis must complement and correspond with the CMMs adopted by the target MSEs. At least in Indonesia, this is the first attempt to examine the impact of the economic crisis empirically caused, at least in Indonesia, and this is the first attempt to empirically examine the effect of the economic crisis caused by COVID-19 on MSEs and explore their CMM by analyzing data from a national survey. In its originality, the findings of this study add to the small business literature, especially studies on the impact of the economic crisis on business.

FULL TEXT PDF 1-11] DOI: 10.30566/ijo-bs/2023.05.109

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