The Impact of Technology and Online Skills & Relationship on the Readiness of the Libyan Students for Using MOOC

Ebrahem Ali Elburase; Adam Amril Jaharadak

Abstract: This study aims to discuss the readiness of Libyan students to use the MOOC in their processes of studies. This study followed the quantitative research approach. Total study population of this study is the Libyan students in the university of Tripoli city. The total students at Tripoli University are 90,043 students. Based on Krejcie and Morgan (1970) sample size tables, the study sample of this study is 377 students. This study questionnaire is adopted from previous study by the Ministry of Education in Malaysia under the National Higher Education Strategic Plan. The SPSS version 23 proposes detailed analysis options that view the data thoroughly and determine trends that have not been recognized. The correlation test is assigned to test the relationship significant and directions among the study constructs, while the regression test was used to determine the impact of each assigned factors within the construct on the dependent variable of the study. The study has found out that there are significant and positive relationships between technology skills and online skills & relationships, and readiness of Libyan students for learning by using MOOC.

FULL TEXT PDF 1-9 ] DOI: 10.30566/ijo-bs/2019.105

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