A Comprehensive Literature Review on the Use of Video Games in Business Instruction

Liang Jing; Salman Faris

Abstract: The quality of instruction is becoming an ever more critical factor in determining the overall effectiveness of educational institutions.  In this respect, gamification is a technique that is commonly used to enhance the teaching and learning process by assisting both instructors and students in achieving their objectives in the short term, the medium term, and the long run.  This article includes a systematic evaluation of literature on the application of gamification as a technique to increase the quality of the education process in general, specifically, the education of management.  Given the issue’s relevance in academics and the community, this article presents the review.  The study searches for the most available literature on the implementation of gamification in learning settings.  It describes the most important themes and constructs of gamification based on a thorough literature review of academic papers available in the ISI and Scopus databases.  One of the most important things this study has accomplished is the description of theoretical approaches to gamification.  It has also produced a conceptual model that combines the findings of several studies and lays the way for further investigation.

FULL TEXT PDF 1-6] DOI: 10.30566/ijo-bs/2022.special.10.3

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