A Multi-Group Analysis of the Effect of Organizational Commitment on Higher Education Services Quality

Abd Al-Aziz Hamed Al-Refaei; Abdul Rahim Bin Zumrah, Mohamed Abdulwali Ali Alsamawi, Said Rashid Ali Alshuhumi

Abstract: This study aims to uncover the relationship between organizational commitment of academic and non-academic staff and higher education service quality, by investigating under which mechanism that organizational commitment effect service quality. Data were collected by means of self-administered survey, total 247 academic staff and 1235 of their student, and total 155 non-academic staff and 775 of their customer complete responses were obtained from Aden University. The results of this study show that, organizational commitment (affective and continence) effect higher education service quality by social mechanism (social exchange). Furthermore, this study revealed that, organizational commitment of academic staff have more effect on higher education service quality than non-academic staff.

FULL TEXT PDF 1-9 ] DOI: 10.30566/ijo-bs/2019.107

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