Influence of Technology Acceptance Factors and Shariah Compliance on Behavioral Intention Towards Islamic Banking Industry

Nahid Ramadan; Dr. Nazimah Hussin

Abstract: Current literature shows that Islamic banks need to develop favourable customer’s behavioural intentions, which is imperative as they could positively impact banks results. Thus, behavioural intention is a commonly applied concept to measure consumers’ possibility to repurchase, use or adopt Islamic banking. This concept is a relatively accurate predictor of customer retention and defection. In the same vein, literature has recognized and provided compelling arguments that sharia’ compliance is an essential driver for consumer’s behavioural intention toward Islamic banking. However, just a few studies have examined the drivers of customers’ behavioural intention toward Islamic banking products. Moreover, the literature lacks addressing the role of sharia’ compliance to behavioural intention toward Islamic banking, which has been ignored. This conceptual paper puts forth a research model using technology acceptance dimensions and sharia’ compliance to examine their influence on behavioural intention toward Islamic banks.

FULL TEXT PDF 1-6 ] DOI: 10.30566/ijo-bs/2021.08.57

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