Qi Weiqiang; Tan Suyono*, Fioni
Abstract: Modern laboratory medicine can be categorised into two key types, namely central laboratory testing and point-of-care testing (POCT). Typically, centralized laboratory medicine offers high-quality results that can be ensured using effective management programs and training staff. It is the clinical staff who carry out POCT, which enables tests to take place closer to the patient. The key benefit of POCT is that it significantly reduces turnaround time, which is a great benefit to the patient. Nonetheless, the key drawback is that clinical laboratory testing requires staff to have expert skills. Thus, the following factors must be considered when deciding which laboratory testing components will be carried out in central laboratories and which ones will be performed as POCT (in relation to quality and timeliness): medical necessity, medical utility, technological capabilities and costs. POCT is usually the preferable option as long as adequate quality can be guaranteed. This is because it is quick to perform, which is essential when measuring vital parameters. Additionally, POCT is generally preferred in cases where the central laboratory is unable to guarantee that results will be delivered quickly (i.e., within 30-60 minutes).
[ FULL TEXT PDF 1-6 ] DOI: 10.30566/ijo-bs/2021.special.06