Risk Management Towards Global Financial Crisis in Management Accounting and Control

Ji Qi; Widya Sari*, Ayu Andari

Abstract: Up-to-date global events, including the international disaster in finance, have refocused care on risks where the essence of the schemes function to manage risks and intensify them. The interconnection between the management of the hazards, accounting of the management and the related practice to the control is a zone that got comparatively slight care. This article introduces the topic of managing the risks regarding accounting and control. It is argued that the risks and the method applied to manage the risks management is a hallmark of the administrative and structural lifecycle where the community and private subdivisions are considered. By modifying structural and administrative observes, a selected number of regulation patterns can be simplified and legitimised utilising the management of the risks. It would be capable of altering the shapes of liability and answerability in the organisational and structural sectors. Besides, it can represent a certain method of managing people and happenings. The quarrel was also made, and the management of the risks was shifted from a matter of very simple interest to the finance (value-at-risk, offshoots, and few others) or for accountants (publishing statements related to the finance few others). It has management accountants. Furthermore, this paper will highlight the possible effects related to the management of the hazards and risks in which matters of faith and liability are to be included while managing subordinate or self-justifying risk and increased reputational risk is to be focused.

FULL TEXT PDF 1-5 ] DOI: 10.30566/ijo-bs/2021.12.74

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