Student Performance Determinants on English Subject During Covid-19 Pandemic by Using the E-Learning Platform

Rabha Hassan Hamed Alghatani; Ameen O Saleh Almanafi

Abstract: E-learning is one of the most critical learning environments in the information era. Therefore, efforts and experiences related to this type of learning are given due attention around the world. This study aims to determine the impact of online services and the acceptance of e-learning on student performance during the pandemic of COVID-19 using e-learning platforms. This research will provide a comprehensive literature review of the research variables. The current study has used the quantitative research approach. In the quantitative approach, the researchers used the questionnaire to collect the primary data from the research respondents. The population is the student who used e-learning platforms during the COVID-19 pandemic. The researcher chose a sample of 382 individuals. This study found positive and significant relationships between (online services and acceptance of e-learning) and student performance during the COVID-19 using e-learning platforms.

FULL TEXT PDF 1-7] DOI: 10.30566/ijo-bs/2021.10.65

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