The Influence of Islamic Values on Selecting and Appointing Employees: A Field Work-Study in the Civil Status Authority in Tripoli, Libya

Riham S S Masaud; Dr. Asmuliadi Lubis, Dr. Kamaruzaman bin Noordin

Abstract: The study aimed a recognizing the impacts of the Islamic values (cognitive component, the emotional component, and behavioural component) on determining and appointing Employees in Libya as a field-work study in within the Civil Status Authority. A quick literary review of the variables used in the study was discussed. That contained many definitions and literature that were found in previous studies on the variables mentioned. The study relied on the descriptive-analytical approach, as it is one of the most used approaches in studying social and human phenomena, and it also fits the topic under study. The study population included all labours and officers in the Civil Status Authority of the General Administration in Tripoli as general managers, directors of departments, heads of departments and employees: numbered 527 employees.
The study concluded that the study model explains the relationship between (the cognitive component, the affective component, and the behavioural component) and the selection and appointment of employees in the Civil Status Authority in Libya (Tripoli) by 53% and the rest of the relationship can be explained by other variables. A regression test is used to predict the results of an existing model. Based on the regression test, the regression equation was developed as the cognitive component has a significant and positive impact on the selection and appointment of employees in the Civil Status Authority in Libya (Β = 0.103, t = 2.469, p = 0.014). Also, the emotional component has a significant and positive impact on the selection and appointment of employees in the Civil Status Authority of Libya (Tripoli) (β = 0.541, t = 13.164, p = 0,000). Finally, the behavioral component has a significant and positive impact on the selection and appointment of employees in the Civil Status Authority of Libya (Tripoli) (β = 0.159, t = 4.030, p = 0,000).

FULL TEXT PDF 1-12 ] DOI: 10.30566/ijo-bs/2020.21

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