Traditional and Conventional Methods Based – Knowledge Management Analysis in Law Companies

Li Rongkai; Tommy Leonard*, Willy Tanjaya

Abstract: It has been shown that traditional approaches to human resources, innovation, and learning management in businesses, especially law firms, are unproductive. Managing these intangible assets has become more critical as the knowledge-based economy has grown over several decades. These assets frequently represent a company’s competitive advantage. Knowledge, knowledge management (KM), and the impact of human resources in the process of KM are examined in this research. Results show that human resources are critical to KM’s implementation and direction. To foster an organizational knowledge-sharing culture, human resources (HR) are needed to establish policies and incentive systems, such as pay-for-knowledge. People in HR will also have to maintain regular communication through Community of Practices, mentorship programs, and other similar mechanisms. KM cannot be effectively implemented without the cooperation and commitment of the senior management. Firms will adapt to today’s fast-changing market by using KM systems, which will help them establish long-term competitive advantages. The purpose of this study is to investigate what human resources professionals may do and illustrate how the management of human resources can play a crucial role in ensuring the effective deployment of KM in law firms.

FULL TEXT PDF 1-5 ] DOI: 10.30566/ijo-bs/2021.special.17

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