Usage of Internet and E-Resources by the Students of Business Management: A Survey of Postgraduate Students of Business Administration, Shandong Normal University, China

Yang Gengwei; Abdi Dharma*, Marlince NK Nababan

Abstract: To find out how much internet and e-resources are used by students at Shandong University’s master’s in business administration program in Shandong, China, this research was conducted. A sample of 219 MBA students was administered a standardized questionnaire, and 177 of them replied. Students in the field of business administration make extensive use of the internet and electronic resources. The results of the study demonstrate that most students have been using the internet for at least two to four years and are all familiar with at least some of the potential uses of the medium. Management studies would suffer greatly without the internet and e-resources, according to more than half of the students surveyed in the study.

FULL TEXT PDF 1-4 ] DOI: 10.30566/ijo-bs/2021.special.14

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