Using Learning Management System for Collaborative Learning: Study Case of Biology Teachers

Yang Xueying; Cut Fitri Rostina*, Hendry

Abstract: By exploring learning management systems, it is possible to obtain new insights into the education system in the 2nd century. Biology teachers in developing countries typically depend on Learning management systems, with up to 67% of such teachers using Learning management systems. The key purpose of using Learning management systems in biology teaching is to deliver conceptual and collaborative learning using media in online-based learning management systems. One example of a globally popular learning management system is Moodle, flexible with extensive open-source capabilities. It is also free to download and can facilitate the download of 1000 subjects. In the present work, the key aim is to explore the use of Learning management systems and how they support collaborative learning in science subjects, focusing on biology teaching. Reviews and a meta-analysis will serve as the research methodology. Finally, the research has shown that interactive features can support collaboration between students and teachers.

FULL TEXT PDF 1-5 ] DOI: 10.30566/ijo-bs/2021.special.08

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