Working Capital Management Effect on Market Performance: A Study of the Douala Stock Exchange (DSX)

Djiaha Djoumbissi Henriette Andrea; Nouayou Kamdoum Clauvis

Abstract: The key study strategy is to identify whether the management of working capital has a relationship with the viability of listed companies in Cameroon. Quantitative analysis is the research approach used. The consolidated panel data of 95 public entities from 18 zones are listed on the Douala Stock Exchange (DSX), which uses 390 findings from 2016 to 2020. Descriptive statistics, the study of Pearson’s Correlation, the analysis of Pooled Regression and ANOVA are used as analysis procedures. Working capital management elements and policies are used as independent variables that include the number of receivable account days (DAR), the number of inventory days (DI), the number of payable account days (DAP), the cash transfer period (CCC), the finance policies for working capital (WCFP) and the investment policies for working capital (WCIP). The findings will help preserve optimum components and strategies for working capital management to deter organisational bankruptcy and improve the viability of the business.

FULL TEXT PDF 1-7] DOI: 10.30566/ijo-bs/2021.02.44

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