Blockchain Technology and Regression Methods: A Case of Conceptual Framework

Asrat Araya; Dr. Jauhari Dahalan, Dr. Barudin Muhammad


Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to review blockchain technology and to demonstrate how this technology is related to the real estate market using multiple regression methodology.

Design/ Method/ Approach: Our approach to this work is first, review the blockchain technology, which includes its history, second review the limited work of Blockchain in the real estate market, its benefits and drawbacks.

Findings: Since this paper is a conceptual approach toward applying blockchain technology in the real estate market, estimation of model parameters, including beta cap and a formula for estimating regression coefficients for multiple linear regression, has been done.

Research limitations: The application of blockchain technology in the real estate market is minimal. Therefore, our paper has research limitations because much work is needed in this area of study.

Practical implications: This reviewed work of ours will have practical implications on the real estate market regarding blockchain technology since works related to applying this technology in the real estate market are limited.

FULL TEXT PDF 1-14 ] DOI: 10.30566/ijo-bs/2021.11.66

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