Fasal Amhmed A. Negriw; Dr. S.M. Ferdous Azam, Dr. Jacquline Tham
Abstract: The main problem of this paper is to find out the impact of organizational culture and structure on the performance of the Water and Sewerage Company of Libya. For that purpose, this paper proposes to use two independent variables, which are organizational culture and organizational structure, while the dependent variable is organizational performance. In this study, data were collected via a self-administered survey using a stratified random sampling method. The sampling frame is the official list published by the General organization for Water and Sanitation in Libya. The number of the population divided into nine branches and every branch includes many administrators: it indicates that 400 and questionnaires were distributed to branches of the General organization for Water and Sanitation in Libya. The total number of branches is nine, including 646 administrators. The total number of distributed survey questionnaires was 400. Of the 400 surveys, 314 questionnaires were returned, which represented approximately 78% response rate. This division is called a stratified sample which is the most probable sampling design because the stratification provides the researchers with more information with given sample size. The results of the study are shown in that Organizational Cultural has a significant and positive influence on Organizational Performance (OP). Also, Organizational Structure (OST) has a significant and positive influence on Organizational Performance (OP).
[ FULL TEXT PDF 1-10 ] DOI: 10.30566/ijo-bs/2020.15