Rationale for the Adoption of E-Wallet Towards the Cashless Society During Covid 19

Dr. Maryam Jameelah Hashim1; Dr. Mohd Rahim Khamis, Dr. Nur afizah Muhamad arifin, Dr. Idris Osman


Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the reasons for e-wallet adoption in Malaysia.

Design/ Method/ Approach: The data were collected using a structured questionnaire distributed to 305 participants and analysed using the Partial least square structural equation model (PLS-SEM). The convenience sampling method used for the study sample included e-wallet users in Klang Valley, Malaysia.

Findings: This study found that convenience, security, and speed positively influence e-wallet adoption in Malaysia. Furthermore, social influence is indirectly associated with e-wallet usage regarding convenience, security, and speed. According to this study, convenience and security will affect e-wallet adoption, and social influence will intervene between security and e-wallet adoption.

Practical implication: The implication of this study will be on the facility providers and entrepreneurs who could benefit from the guidelines suggested by this research, as they may be able to improve their services in more efficient ways. Moreover, businesses that already exist can focus on elements that will enhance e-wallet services. Entrepreneurs planning to start a business can forecast what customers want in an e-wallet.

Research limitation: The primary drawback of this research is that it is limited to the Klang Valley, raising the possibility that the results are not generalizable to other states in Malaysia. To make the hypothesis more widely applicable, more data from Malaysia’s other 13 states are required.

FULL TEXT PDF 1-11 ] DOI: 10.30566/ijo-bs/2021.11.69

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