The Difference Between Abu Dhabi and Dubai Listed Companies in Term of Corporate Governance Practices and Their Influence on Firms’ Performance

Ziyad Mohamed Swedan; Dr. S. M. Ferdous Azam

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to find out the differences between Abu Dhabi and Dubai Listed Companies in Term of Corporate Governance Practices and their Influence on Firms’ Performance. The descriptive approach of the study is to be used for this type of research. This article will make the measurements of corporate governance are different between 2008 and 2009 for Dubai and Abu Dhabi stock market. This study is based on quantitative research. The SPSS program will be used to do the descriptive statistics analysis and the independent sample t-test. This research has found out that there was a significant difference between Dubai’s stock market and Abu Dhabi’s stock market for the variables Return on Asset, Return on Equity, and Earnings per Share. This study was limited to two stock markets, which are the Dubai stock market and Abu Dhabi stock market.

FULL TEXT PDF 1-7 ] DOI: 10.30566/ijo-bs/2019.99

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