The Impact of Corporate Governance Implementation on Firm’s Performance in the Gulf Countries (GCC) Based on Stewardship Assumptions

Ziyad Mohamed Swedan; Sohail Ahmed

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to identify the influence of the corporate governance implementation on the firm’s performance in the countries that belong to the Gulf Cooperation Council. This article is developed based on Stewardship assumptions. The quantitative approach will be used. The quantitative approach will be used to identify the relationship between the study variables. This study sample consisted of the higher ten capital market size companies from each GCC security markets. The SPSS software version 23 is used to analyze the obtained data. The study found out that there is no relationship between Ownership structure, Boards with CEO duality, Executive compensations and the firm’s performance in the GCC. While it was found that there are positive and significant relationships between Government ownership, Board size, Board independence and the firm’s performance in the GCC. This study was limited to the GCC listed companies. The firm’s performance measurement is limited to ROA, ROE, and EPS. Major implications were found where most of the hypotheses proposed were not supported. The study revealed that there is no significant relationship between the (board independence, board size, ownership structure, CEO duality, government ownership, and executive compensation) and financial performance.

FULL TEXT PDF 1-6 ] DOI: 10.30566/ijo-bs/2019.97

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